Rip’s Guide to Literature
A literary review to separate the chaff from the wheat
Welcome to Rips’ Guide to Literature, where intelligence, imagination, and personal experience count for something. Discover the joy of literature, where the ordinary turns to extraordinary, convictions are full of kick, dreams more real than reality. Be challenged as well as entertained, mind broadened, heart palpitated, breath steadied, feelings tenderized, angered, nullified.
If you’re new to these titles, it’ll be a spree in a candy store discovering your preferences from a cornucopia of taste – the salty, sour, sweet or bitter, the savory.
If you’ve read many of them already, it’s a chance to pick through the proven greats to see if there is anything of value you might have missed.
Whereever you are in your reading level, it’s a chance to visit the ends of the earth, the heavens and the underworlds without ever leaving the safety of your favorite reading place. Enjoy what mankind has attempted to express since the discovery of the written word commanded by the imagination.