How to Write a Novel
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- DO NOT exceed 250-300 pages as a Debut Novelist.
- DO NOT polish a first rough draft. They call it rough for a reason.
- DO NOT write a first rough draft from start to finish. Write beginning, then jump to the most important and climactic scenes in the middle, then write the end. Then fill in roughly between.
- DO NOT yet polish.
- After first draft is written, pay for a developmental edit.
- Follow edit recommendations and revise; throw away what’s not working, insert new.
- Separately work on character development and adjust draft to reflect deeper understanding.
- After second draft is complete, pay for a line edit.
- Follow edit recommendations and begin to eliminate all bad habits of grammar (adverbs, weak verbs, too many adjectives, etc.).
- Use unique verbs, nouns, adjectives.
- DO NOT polish. Yet.
- Pay for a proof read.
- Send out Agent Queries. Pay a service firm to help you choose agents.
- Send out to Beta readers (pay some if necessary).
- Make changes based on feedback if warranted. Keep sending out to Beta readers until generally positive reviews are received back.
- If agent responds, send them pages from ever changing drafts based on Beta feedback.
- DO NOT polish. Yet.
- An Agent or Publisher’s editor will collaborate on changes.
- NOW polish.
- Now pay for Copy Edit.
- Now Print
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